Dry Skin:
If your skin feels rough, flaky, red or stretched tightly you most likely have dry skin. When you have dry skin do not over exfoliate or cleanse to often. Your skin will dry out even more because you are removing to much of the natural oils. Here is a great way to help your skin:
1. Wet your skin with cold water
2. Apply a cleanser like Cetaphil, made for sensitive skin
3. Massage gently into the skin
4. Wash out with cold water
5. Apply a moisturizer or night cream, like Neutrogena Naturals Nourishing Night Cream. It's dermatologist recommended and contains vitamins for your skin.
Do this only once a day at night, and exfoliate from once a week to once every two weeks depending on how dry your skin is. That way you can remove any dead or flaky skin. According to Mayo Clinic, taking less hot showers, avoiding chlorinated pools and cold weather can improve your dry skin. If you do any of these things make sure you moisturize before and after.
Normal Skin:
If your skin doesn't feel particularly oily or dry, you are very lucky. Normal skin is hard to find and maintain. It could have to do with your genetics, but you must be doing something right! Acne is a common problem for people with normal skin. Keeping your face clean can do wonders even for someone with seemingly flawless skin.
1. Wet skin with cold water
2. Apply a cleanser of your choice, non scented and help for acne are usually good like Neutrogena Transparent Facial Bar, Acne Prone Skin Formula Soap.
3. Massage gently into the skin
4. Wash out with cold water
You may use an extra finishing product, but don't over do it. You can do this twice a day and exfoliate once a week.To keep acne at bay, keep stress levels low and cleanse often.
Oily Skin:
Photo: Drugstore.com |
1. Wet skin with cold water
2. Apply a facial cleanser made for oily skin and acne, like Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash
3. Massage gently into skin
4. Wash out with cold water
5. Use cleansing pads to get the remaining dirt out, like OXY Cleansing Pads Maximum Strength
You may wash your skin twice a day but use the acne pads only at night, as to not dry out your skin. Exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin. Once your skin clears up, you can put a little moisturizer into your skin to keep it healthy.
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Photo: Clarisonic |
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Photo: Drugstore.com |
As far as exfoliating goes I use my Clarisonic Mia along with Cetaphil to keep my normal skin nice and smooth once or twice a week. More traditional exfoliators include micro beads to remove the dead skin. Try something like Neutrogena Deep Clean Gentle Scrub once a week. Make sure to do this at night because a little redness can occur.
I hope you all keep your skin nice and clean so your outfits will shine!
"I am normally groggy and tired. I never even think of taking even a half hour to cleanse, exfoliate and perfect my skin. I'm sure many people feel the same..." - Truer words have never been spoken!